Frequently Asked Questions
Can I play with a cast on my arm?
The ultimate decision lies solely with the referee. However, LSC allows it if the cast is well padded.
I have a new piercing and shouldn't remove it. Will the rules still require removal?
The ultimate decision lies solely with the referee. Earrings are considered a safety hazard and are not allowed at any level of play. Jewelry that is difficult to remove can be worn on exception, as long as it is non-protruding and it is taped over securely and completely.
What should I do if the referee doesn't seem to enforce the rules properly?
The referee makes the final decision in ALL matters. It is against the rules to indicate dissent from the decision of the referee. Although we all know that referees do make mistakes, all participants must accept the decisions of the referee in an attitude of good sportsmanship. If you have a question or disagreement, discuss it quietly with your team captain, who may quietly discuss it with the referee between quarters. NO DISSENSION WITH THE REFEREES WILL BE TOLERATED!! ANY hostility or anger shown toward a referee can lead to the player being ejected from the fields. (The game will be stopped until the player has left the fields and this is NOT stoppage time.)
What should I do if players or fans are using profanity during games?
All profanity. . . on the field or the sidelines . . . is a RED CARD OFFENSE. Referees will enforce this rule at their discretion.
LSC Operations
Who runs LSC?
The Laramie Soccer Club is a tax-exempt 501c(3) nonprofit organization. It is managed by a volunteer board of directors, most of whom are parents of LSC players. Most LSC business occurs during board meetings and at the homes of our volunteer board members.
How is LSC associated with the City of Laramie Parks & Recreation?
LSC is independent of Laramie Parks & Recreation and is not affiliated with the City of Laramie. The Parks & Recreation department does not accept player registrations and they are not equipped to answer questions about schedules, rules, etc. However, LSC does maintain a positive relationship with the city. We greatly appreciate that the City allows our games and practices to be held on city-owned parks and soccer fields, and LSC works closely with the parks department to insure that our activities are compatible with city programming. The City determines when the parks are playable, and we work closely with them to insure that our activities do not damage the turf. Part of each registration fee goes toward reimbursing the city for the expense of preparing and maintaining the fields.
How can I get more involved with LSC?
LSC is a volunteer organization and we would love your help! Board members and coaches are all volunteers. You can help coach, co-coach, assistant coach, or help with operating the organization. You can assist with our pancake breakfast each spring, or you can serve on any one of our committees to help enhance our organization. If you are interested in helping the board of directors, either unofficially or in an official decision-making capacity, please contact us!
Can I donate to LSC?
Yes! Most donations, cash or in-kind, are tax-deductible. Contact your tax advisor for more information. We also actively solicit sponsorships and provide advertising and exposure in exchange for support of the organization.