Winter League 2025

Register now for our winter indoor league!

Play will begin the week of January 28 and run through February 27. Two weekday games per week, game play is 20-minute halves with a 2-minute break. The last day will be a hat tourney on March 1. The tourney is included in your fees if you participate in the winter league, $15 if you did not participate in league.

Register by January 27, players sign up as individuals with the option to elect to play with a specific team or friend, we will assign free-agents to a team.

Communication will be through TeamSnap, watch your email and accept your invite to join the winter league.

Fee- $30/person

Days: T/Th, starting at 7:30p for the first games of the evening.

6v6 games includes a goalie, max 8 person rosters

All play is self-officiated

Questions:  Contact Us